
A script for JEB


  1. Find cross reference to a package (eg., third-party library), you can use it to study how a package is used, to find the misuse of a library for instance.
  2. Works on the latest JEB, tested on jeb-demo-
  3. Developed by zoudeneng@PanguTeam.


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Hacking email credentials in App for fun

Last week, when coming across this report https://securelist.com/surviving-in-an-iot-enabled-world/72595/, I find it’s very interesting that developer hardcoded credentials to a Gmail account in his App. In order to figure out how many Apps impacted by this flaw, I turn to Janus for help. The query https://www.appscan.io/search-app.html#type=app&q=strings:&page=1&hidecount=true&val=strings:%22smtp.gmail.com%22 returns about five thousands Apps! Except the email service provider Apps, most of them are likely to encolose Gmail credentials in their Apps.

I casually choose some of the App for testing. Some of them are out of date Apps which has changed the email credentials, and some of them are blocked in the logging prcoess by the double check policy of Gmail. At last, when coming to OCBC App, a Singapore’s banking App, I find it’s credential is valid, and in the verification stage, the backup email address in the App can help me to bypass the double check. I am luckly to successfully login.

Credentials for this App are:

Username: ****.mib@gmail.com 

Password: ****mib!@#

Backup email: ****.phyo@aleph-labs.com

The story is not ending yet. Except for the well known email provider, “smtp.gmail.com” in this case, there are lots of localized email provider can be used by Apps. So, how many email credentials are indeed in Apps? I don’t know.